
{personal} plants & a life update

Hello there! Here I am posting after far too long yet again. I'm here. I'm around. I'm just not sure where I am with photography anymore. I rarely pull out my DSLR or Holga cameras, yet I still post subpar iPhone pictures to Instagram and I still keep my Etsy shop going despite lower than lackluster sales. Anyway...

A life update!

I took a huge step at the very end of last year and quit the job I was extremely unhappy at. The job I was at for seven years. The job I've had since moving to California. Even though I was unhappy, I was still very comfortable where I was and the thought of job searching and interviewing for the first time in many years was terrifying. But I knew I would never look for something else unless I absolutely had to. I came to the realization that I would rather be stressed about looking for a new job than stressed in my current situation. Knowing I had some savings to tide us over just in case, I quit my job and started 2019 afresh. It was very scary, but I am so proud of myself for finally doing something. It took awhile, but I finally found a job close to home (goodbye 30-60 minute commute!) working for a company that I am proud to be a part of. I'm starting at the bottom and have a long way to go to grow and develop, but it's a great company to work for and it offers us a two-year-plan to get the heck out of Southern California and its high cost of living and awful weather! My husband and I have missed the beauty of the east coast and long to live among its green hills and changing seasons and, more importantly, closer to family. It feels good to have a plan.

Also, I've finally developed something of a green thumb! Pictured above are the first two succulents I've ever managed to keep alive and they've both been going strong for over a year now in their sunny little spot on the windowsill. One hasn't grown at all but is still alive (I swear it's fake) and the other has grown like crazy, producing little babies and stretching out to impossible heights (I fear I'll break it every time I move it to water it). And the larger plant is an epipremnum, a new plant I bought from my new workplace that seems to be thriving as well.

And so, this is life right now!

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