
{looking back} quad cam

When I was in college and still living in Florida, my boyfriend (now soon-to-be husband) bought me a little plastic camera called a "quad cam" that takes a sequence of four images on one negative. I took these the week of my college graduation when my family came to visit. The top four are from the airport and the bottom two are from the hotel.

The bottom one gets to me. It wasn't taken at the same moment, but it brings back the memory of saying an extremely tearful goodbye to Sean. We'd only been dating nine months and I'd decided to move back home to Virginia after college to live rent-free and job search. We were so in love and had no idea when we would be together again. I remember saying goodbye to him, both of us crying as I drove away as he stood in his front yard. I drove the fifteen or twenty minutes to the hotel my family was staying at. I'd calmed down a little by then. I was walking into the hotel as they were walking out and I burst into tears as soon as I saw them. Turns out it would be four years until we lived together again. But we made it!

June 2007.

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