
{personal} apple picking

A couple of weeks ago we went apple picking at Snow-Line Orchard in Oak Glen, California. I had never been apple-picking before, so I was super excited! We picked apples, made apple cider, walked around. It was so lovely to escape the triple-digit temperatures and the unbearable heat of the city and drive up into the mountains and enjoy a true autumn. The temperature never reached above seventy the whole day and there was a clean crispness to the air that reminded me so much of home on the east coast. Autumn is my absolute favorite season and I miss it so much being in L.A. I love everything about it: leather boots, cozy sweaters, soft jeans, pumpkin-flavored everything, changing leaves, clean air, winding roads, country houses. I miss it so badly, and it was so wonderful being able to experience it all again, even just for a day.

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