
{personal} muir woods

A few weeks ago Sean and I headed for a day trip to Muir Woods with some friends who had a car. Muir Woods is home to 240 acres of redwood forests. They aren't the giant redwoods of Northern California, but they were impressive to say the least. The forest was dark and lush and full of so much green! If you can get away and shut out the noise of the tourists, this place is certainly magical.


Daniella said...

Wow. These are gorgeous shots Andrea. Beautiful! I love the moss covered tree.

stephdiaz said...

I went to San Francisco with a professor (who is now a friend) on a conference and she insisted on us going to Muir Woods. The days leading up to the woods i complained about it but imagine my surprise when we got there and I fell in love with it. My prof loves to take pictures and gave me a mini-photography lesson. I went crazy taking different pics and took a really good one too. We laugh about my change of attitude to this day.