
{personal} a change

Today is my last day working at Fiori, the flower shop. Between working part-time there, as well as working part-time at Williams-Sonoma, I had only one day off last month. I worked twenty-five days in a row and before that I worked nineteen days. Twenty-five days! Nineteen days! Meanwhile, I've done nothing as far as photography goes. Photography. My career.

In a way it feels as if I've failed. I've been here a year (a year in this amazing, supposedly life-changing city) and I've done little to nothing as far as photography is concerned. When I first moved here, I was too busy worrying about getting a job, about surviving, and making enough money each month. And between working at Williams-Sonoma and working at Fiori, I'm finally doing just that.

But now it's time for a change. With a few freelance photography jobs coming up (super exciting!), I realized that something needed to go. Between the two part-time jobs, I would have absolutely no time to actually do photography. So I'm leaving the flower shop. I have more room to grow and take on more responsibilities at Williams-Sonoma, especially with the holiday season coming up. But without the flower shop, it also leaves more time open to actually pursue photography. More time to be available to assist and actually say "yes" when a photographer asks me if I'm available.

It's a scary little change, but one I have absolutely no regrets about making. I might be struggling money-wise for a few months, but it's completely worth it in the end if my photography career grows. In a way I feel as if this is my first grown-up decision. It feels like something I would've talked about with my mom, something she would've told me would be the best thing to do. Instead, I was able to call her up and just tell her I was doing it! I'm extremely proud of myself. And extremely excited about the photography shoots coming up, which I can't wait to share!